Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yay, WFL has a blog! It is here where you will now be able to read all of my rants, raves, staunch opinions and what not, so here goes!

So.....Why Do I Boast Nutrition AND Eating Desserts in the same breath anyway?!

Well, here is why......the short answer is because desserts in America happen to be one of the WORST, most offensive products to your health and well being on the market. If you read the ingredient label on the back of a commercial cake as compared to virtually any other processed food on the market, you will see there are laundry lists of ingredients, and most you can neither recognize nor pronounce.  The cakes and cookies on the shelf at your grocery store as well as in a commercial bakery almost 100% of the time will contain bleach.....yes BLEACH, as one of the first ingredients.....and the scary part of that is the word BLEACH doesn't even need to be listed! It is disguised under the word "Enriched"!

Ok, with that being said, the long answer is that I am Italian, love to eat, and would NEVER give up the sensory pleasure of enjoying a dessert myself, let alone expect any of my clients to (on a permanent basis) either. When I found out that I had Celiac Disease 7 years ago, it literally rocked my world. I had no idea how I would survive without eating bread, pasta or baked goods. At the time I found out that I had been "doomed" to a breadless life, I also enrolled in a school for Nutrition.

Well Lo and behold! Turns out bread, pasta and baked goods (in America today) are not good for ANYONE! Turns out that MOST of what I had been eating my whole life was horrible for my health, Yikes! What in the world was I suppose to do with that information?! How would I go on to counsel people in nutrition if I had to break the news that they could never again indulge in a piece of rich dark chocolate cake?! I refused! There HAD to be a way to combine the two.....clean eating, AND desserts.  Whole Food Lady Nutrition and Desserts. LLC was born shortly thereafter. I preaching that sugary desserts are good for your health and well being? The truth is, IF they have pure ingredients AND you eat them sparingly (Un-like Myself....but that is a whole other blog post!) they are actually a beautiful enhancement to any one's life. Human beings came to this Earth with senses....a very important one being Taste.....WHY would anyone deny themselves that pleasure?! I was determined to create a reason for everyone to indulge SAFELY, and I can proudly say that I have succeeded!  :-)

Ok, I need to go drive my kids to school now.....and maybe enjoy a banana muffin on the way!

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